Deba Our Tax Preparation Process

Seroquel sale Smarter Tax Preparation For The Digital Age!


Millennial Tax has developed a clear, step-by-step service process that really delivers results! Our tax preparation process is designed for you, the individual taxpayer.

Our tailored process has three (3) primary goals:

  • Establish that your tax return is technically accurate and justifiable;

  • Ensure that we have minimized the tax due; and

  • Provide a high quality tax preparation experience for all of our Clients!

  • 1. Introductory Consultation

    We conduct a quick meeting to ask about your relevant tax issues and establish how we may be able to help. This meeting is conducted over the phone or via Skype (or Skype equivalent) and is usually the first time you reach out to us.

    2. Account Creation

    We compile information about you and establish your tax profile. We evaluate your current tax situation in detail and ask questions that enable us to assess your complete tax picture. Our staff creates your SmartVault account, ensures all necessary legal documents and questionnaires are completed, and exchanges information with you through your secure client portal.

    3. Tax Preparation

    Our team consolidates, analyzes and efficiently processes your information in a streamlined manner to complete your tax return, tax review and/or other requested tax service.

    4. Review Appointment

    We conduct a review meeting with you to explain everything in plain English in a straightforward way. We answer your questions, explain our charges, and complete all necessary paperwork for you to fully understand the tax outcomes and/or positions.

    5. E-file Return

    We e-file taxes, conduct meetings with the IRS, and/or help you submit your amended returns as necessary. We keep you informed every step of the way and let you know when everything is done.

    6. Follow-up & Monitor

    We verify everything has gone as planned and follow up with you to make sure you are satisfied with the services provided. This on-going commitment ensures we meet all our stated service objectives and you stay happy.

    Comments or questions? We’d love to hear from you!

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